Legal Metrology
The department of Legal Metrology is a consumer orientation department and protect the interest of the general public by
implementation of the following Act & Rules.
- Legal Metrology Act-2009.
- Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules-2011.
- T.S. Legal Metrology (En) Rules-2011.
- Legal Metrology (General) Rules-2011,
- Legal Metrology Model Approval) Rules-2011,
- Legal Metrology( National Standards) Rules-2011
- Legal Metrology( Numeration) Rules-2011.
The main functioning of the department is to verify and stamping of the weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments used by the traders. Besides this, the department implement the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities)
Rulep 2011 and Legal Metrology Act-2009 and Rules made there under. The following fields are covered by the Legal Metrology officer for enforcement,
- Petrol Bunks
- Weigh Bridges
- All industrial projects like petroleum products, LP Gas, Cement & Steel, cotton, Fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, manufacturing/packer units of all essential commodities, Rice Mills, Oil mills.
- Bullion Trade
- F.P Shops
- MLS points/FCI-SWC-CWC Godowns,
- Shopping malls
- Banks/Govt. institutions
- Vegetables/Fruits/Fish/Poultry/meat
- Hardware, Sanitary and Electrical items
- Sweets/ice creams/cool drinks/mineral water
- Wholesale/retail dealers
- Weekly bazaars/Regulated markets/shandies
- Imported Packages
- Railway Stations/Bus Stands
The other function of the department is implementation of the Legal Metrology Act-2009 and Rules made there under. Any
violation noticed by the Legal Metrology officer, can registered a case against the offender for violation of the Rules and collect the compounding fee ranging from Rs. 1000/- to RS,50,000/- as per the amount prescribed in the Act and Rules,
The staff available at present in the Siddipet District as follows:-
District Legal Metrology Officer( DLMO) -1
Technical Assistant- 1
Office Subordinate-Vacant
- Further, the DLMO conducting vigorous inspections in the field to protect the interest of the consumers and registering cases for violation of the Act and Rules. The major cases for unverified articles.Short Weighment / measurements Excess Price(more than MRP), Non Declarations on the Packaged Commodities, short deliveries at dispensing pumps, Fair Price; Shops etc.,
- The major violations and compounding fee prescribed under Act & Rules.
- Unverified weights & measures – Rs.2,000/- to Rs. 10,000/-
- Non Standard weights & measures up to Rs. 25,000/-
- Short Weighment /measurement- Rs. 10,000/-
- Non Declarations- up to RS.25,000/-
- Net Content of the packages (short for declared weight)-up to Rs. 1,00,000/-
- Excess Price (more than MRP)-RS,2,000/- to Rs.5,000/-
- The department issuing Licenses to Manufacturing, Repairing and Dealing and renewing every year. The Periodicity of the License is one year. The repairers who got License from the department are undertaking the repairing work to the weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments.
- Manufacturing/ Selling of weights & measures without License is an offence and action taken against the concerned as per Law.Undertaking of Repairs without valid License is also violation.
S.No | Name of the officer | Designation | Contact. No. | Email Address |
1 | Shujath Ali | District Legal Metrology Officer(Incharge) | 9849960103 |
- Registration Certificate for packers is compulsory for every trader/ company who packing the commodities. Action will be trader/ company who packing the commodities. Action will be taken as per Law for violation.
- No pending court cases in this district.
- The department also conducting surprise inspections, special drives on particular trade (season) basis) to protect the consumer interest.