
Horticulture & Sericulture

Horticulture has over the years emerged as an indispensable part of agriculture by offering wide range of crop diversification choices to farmers & providing opportunities for sustaining large no. Of agro industries, providing remunerative returns, creating employment opportunities in rural areas, provide raw material for the good processing industry and improving foreign exchange earning though exports.

The district is prospering with good no. of Major & Medium Irrigation projects. The projects  namely viz, Kondapochamma Sagar, Mallanna Sagar, Ranganayak Sagar, Tapaspally Reservoir, Ananthagiri Reservoir,

The Horticulture sector encompasses a wide range of crops namely fruit crops, vegetables crops, flower crops, spices and plantation crops.The area and production of horticulture crops in the district is given below. Crops Area (Ac) Fruits 15197, Vegetables 16747, Mulberry 653 and Oil palm 1178, Total 33775.

With vast land and access to modern technology, good irrigation sources this provides ideal condition for area expansion, increasing production to meet the internal and external demands.

Siddipet – A Potential Hub of Horticulture

  • Suitable agro climatic conditions.
  • Availability of vast extents of land for area expansion.
  • Well connected road network in entire district, close proximity to state capital.
  • Enterprising & progressive farming community.
  • Increased awareness among consumers for nutritive diet i.e., fresh fruits & vegetables.
  • Export Potential for mango, guava & exotic vegetables.
  • Availability of good research support from SKLTSHU, KVKS etc.
  • Availability of established centre of excellence (CoE) for Fruits, for distribution of high quality fruit crops planting material.
  • Infrastructure facilities like Integrated Markets, Rythu Bazars are at farmer’s service in district.


  • Identify suitable areas for cultivation of various horticulture crops, Motivate, Educate & Encourage the farmers to take up cultivation of identified crops in a large scale.
  • Timely providing technical guidance to the farmers on cultivation of Horticulture Crops.
  • Creating awareness to the farmers on various horticultural schemes and implementing them by conducting various training programmes to the farmers.
  • To create awareness on water use management & cropping patterns.
  • To sensitize the farmers for crop diversification.
  • Acts as Nodal Agency for implementation of various horticultural programmes of state & central governments.
S.No Name Of The Mandal Fruits Vegetables Mulberry Oilpalm Total
1 Doulthabad 58.09 477 2 27  564
2 Dubbak 475.20 376 10 52  913
3  Mirdoddi 285.31 757 18 61  1121
4 Thoguta 74.31 1164 80 56  1374
5 Cheriyal 612.30 250 21 25  908
6 Gajwel 318.32 907 27 4 1256
7 Komurvelli 163.15 110 2 6  281
8 Kondapak 1206.34 299 59 54  1618
9 Raipole 40.07 612 0 0  652
10 Akkannapet 944 142 13 4  1103
11 Bejjanki 457 160 39 22  678
12 Husnabad 728 74 54 6  862
13 Koheda 1427 172 24 15  1638
14 Maddur 1445 150 16 43  1654
15 Jagdevpur 709 528 65 33  1335
16 Markook 707 880 9 43  1639
17 Mulug 882 2923 2 4  3811
18 Wargal 427 1663 2 21  2113
19 Chinnakodur 910 2747 77 125  3859
20 Nanganoor 1885 691 52 505  3133
21 Narayanraopet 124 421 19 8  572
22 Siddipet (U) 786 304 56 29  1175
23 Siddipet(R) 524 927 4 35  1490
  TOTAL 15197.12 16747  653 1178  33775



Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture is functioning by the Horticulture Department. Executive Director is the Head of the department under control of Director of Horticulture & Sericulture. For the benefit of the farmers of the District various components are functioning by the SHM i.e. Area Expansion, 2nd & 3rd Year Maintenance, Mulching, Establishment of Small & Model Nurseries in the district, Construction of Farm ponds, Post Harvest management like Pack house, Cold storage, Integrated Pack house, Ripening chambers, under Farm Mechanization, the MIDH will supply the farm machinery garden tools on subsidy basis.


  • To provide holistic growth of the horticulture sector through an area based regionally differentiated strategies which include research, technology promotion, extension, post harvest management,  processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each State/region and its diverse agro-climatic feature;
  • To enhance horticulture production , improve nutritional security and income support to farm households;
  • To establish convergence and synergy among multiple on-going and planned programmes for horticulture development;
  • To promote, develop and disseminate technologies, through a seamless blend of traditional wisdom and modern scientific knowledge;
  • To create opportunities for employment generation for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youth.


End-to-end approach covering production, post harvest management, processing and marketing Promote Research and Development (R&D) of technologies for production, post-harvest management and processing.

Enhance acreage of cultivation as well as productivity through diversification from traditional crops and adopting cluster approach for suitable crops / plantations.

Improving post harvest management, processing for value addition and marketing infrastructure. Coordinated approach and promote partnership, convergence and synergy among R&D,processing and marketing agencies in public as well as private sectors.

Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)

Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana is functioning by the Horticulture Department. Executive Director is the Head of the department under control of Commissioner of Horticulture. For the benefit of the farmers of the District various components are functioning by the RKVY i.e, Permanent pandal , Mulching, Plastic crates.,  Summer Vegetable Production in the district on subsidy basis.

Critical Intervention: Under the scheme,   Supply of seedlings from CoE Jeedimetial & Mulugu Direct Vegetable seedlings  assistance will be provided to the beneficiaries.  

 Telangana micro irrigation project (TSMIP): The scheme was started during   November  2003 to increase  the production of the crops  and to utilize the water consumption .  All Category farmers in revenue villages irrespective of their economic status are eligible for Drip Irrigation/Micro Irrigation systems up to 5 Ha.  SC/ST Farmers are eligible for 100% subsidy. BC Farmers are eligible for 90% subsidy   And  other caste farmers are eligible for 80% subsidy. Portable Sprinklers for all category farmers are eligible for 75% subsidy limited to 1 Ha. only.

In the district, Erravally & Narsannapet villages of markook mandal has taken up for the special project on drip irrigation with 100% Subsidy from Govt. of Telanagana.And thus, stepping towards formation of vegetable hub in the district.


Mulberry cultivation, Silk worm rearing is Agriculture in nature whereas Silk Reeling, Silk Twisting and weaving activities are industrial in nature.

District has taken up Mulberry Crop Colonies as pilot project 1st of its kind in State.

  1.    Central Sector Scheme:Under CSS, 1.General Category with sharing pattern 50:25:25 CSB: State : Beneficiary  covering the following components.
  • Kisan Nursaries
  • Development of Mulberry bush plantation
  • Disinfectants
  • Construction of  rearing houses
  • Supply of rearing appliances
  • Establishment of Chawkie rearing centers
  • Establishment of Silk Reeling Units i.e. Multiend  Silk Reeling Units (MERU), Automatic Silk Reeling Unit (ARM), Twisting Units and Tub dying units
  • Establishment of Grainages and Assistance to Seed rearers.
  1. SC-Sub plan and Tribal Sub Plan:Under Central Sector Schemes with the sharing pattern 65:25:10 Central: State : Beneficiary contribution for SCSP & TSP covering the above components.
  2. Normal State Plan (NSP) : Under NSP Matching State Share (MSS) for the Central Sector Schemes 25% of the unit cost basing on the sharing pattern 50:25:25 Central : State : Beneficiary contribution for General Category and sharing pattern for SCSP & TSP 65:25:10 Central : State : Beneficiary contribution covering the above CSS components.  In addition to under NSP the following components  are being sanctioned under Annual Plan.
  •          Supply of quality disinfectants to Tasar rearers
  •          Farm Mechanization
  •          Production incentives to Mulberry, Tasar farmers
  •          Assistance for construction of rearing sheds
  •          Strengthening of Govt. Silk Reeling Units
  •          Subsidies to the Tasar Weavers cooperative societies
  •          Sericulture Training & Publicity

4.Convergence with MG-NREGS: Telangana is the first state to cover the silkworm rearing under convergence with MG NREGS, thereby silkworm rearing farmer will get 90 mandays covering (2) beneficiaries per family i.e., Rs.62,000/- additional income besides income from regular  crop.

  •    For Mulberry bush plantation Rs. 39,778 provided under MGNREGS. This benefit is allowed for (2) acres.
  •    For Silkworm Rearing Shed construction Rs.93, 000 is provided.

OILPALM – An Introduction in the District:

Oilpalm is used in commercial agriculture in the production of palm oil which is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palms. Oil palm cultivation assumes significance for augmenting the indigenous availability of edible oil as it is the highest oil yielding perennial crop with 4-5 MT of palm oil and 0.4-0.5 MT palm kernel oil (PKO) per Ha.  In comparative terms, yield of palm oil is 5 times the yield of edible oil obtainable from traditional oilseeds.

This perennial crop has an economic life span of 30 years. Nearly 70 percent of palm oil is used in foods like chocolate and ice cream, bread and potato chips. At the same time, industrial uses, including the production of bio fuels and cosmetics, is constantly expanding and now accounts for nearly 30 percent of total consumption.

Consumption Pattern of Palm oil in India:

17.78% – Household

33.33% – Food Services/catering services/hotels

 35.56% – Bakery & Confectionary

13.33% – Non-food use

Oil palm in Siddipet:

To narrow down the gap between the demand and supply of Vegetable Edible Oils and to reduce dependency on imports, the Government has proposed to promote Oil palm cultivation in a big way.

Govt. of India, has declared the district is suitable & congenial for oilpalm cultivation, thus proposed a target of 20,000 Ha area for expansion under Oilpalm. At present, Oilpalm cultivation is taken up in 440 Ha. District is shooting up for its cultivation in large area & thus forming a way forward for doubling the farmer’s income.

Why Oil Palm?

  • Highest Oil yield per unit area (1-2 tons/acre) which is 8-10 times more than the other Oil seed crops.
  • Provides sustainable and remunerative income for as long as 30 years.
  • Less vulnerable to pests and diseases.
  • Utilises moderate inputs reducing cost of cultivation.
  • Oil Palm cultivation is regulated by Oil Palm Act which provides buyback arrangement.
  • Employment generation to the rural population by establishing oil palm mills.
  • Oil palm helps in development of green cover there by helps in carbon sequestration.
  • One hectare of oil palm absorbs 20 tons of CO2 per annum and releases 22 tons of O2.
  • With irrigation requirement for 1 acre paddy, 4 acres of Oil palm can be taken up.

Government is providing assistance for taking up Oilpalm Cultivation under Centrally Sponsored Scheme National Food Security Mission – Oilpalm (GoI 60:40 State) under this scheme 50% assistance is provided on plant material, cultivation assistance, Vermicompost units, drip irrigation, harvesting tools The scheme is executed through M/s TS Oilfed in district.

In Telangana State Oilpalm Cultivation and processing is regulated by  The Telangana Oil Palm (Regulation of Production and Processing) Act 1993   (Act No.3 of 1993); As per this act the allotted companies shall pay the FFB price as fixed by the Government to the Farmers on monthly basis.

8K.MamathaHorticulture Officer7997725434
mammu.kyatham0892@gmail.com9B.LingaiahAsst. Sericulture Officer9676594011

Key Contact Details of Horticulture & Sericulture Staff in District:
S.No. Name Designation Mobile Number Office Address Email Address
1 K.Ramalaxmi District Horti & Sericulture Officer 7997725292 Office No.F.26,1st floor,Integrated District Offices Complex,Siddipet
2 N.Indrasena Reddy Asst.Director Sericulture 9866353536 Office No.F.26,1st floor,Integrated District Offices Complex,Siddipet
3 P.Bhaskar Reddy Horticulture Officer 7997725293 Office No.F.26,1st floor,Integrated District Offices Complex,Siddipet
4 J.Ravikanth Horticulture Officer 7997725294
5 G.Dheeraj Horticulture Officer 7997725295 Integrated Officers Complex, Gajwel
6 Y.Saidhulu Horticulture Officer 7997725296 Integrated Officers Complex, Gajwel
7 B.Ravali Horticulture Officer 7997725307

Important Depatment Websites:
