
Agriculture Marketing


The Main objective of the Marketing Department is to regulate the sale and purchase of Agricultural Produce and to establish common places where the buyers and sellers can directly meet and transact business. The Department protects the producer-sellers from the exploitation of middlemen, through the regulatory machinery by arranging common platforms with facilities for storage and correct weighment. The Department also ensures prompt payment of the value of the produce to the sellers curbing unauthorized deductions and illegal collection by the traders.


Rythu Bandhu Pathakam:

  • In order to prevent distress sale of Agril. Produce by the farmers in the state. The Government had formulated a scheme for providing short term advances to farmers. This scheme is called Rythu Bandhu Pathakam.
  • The main objective of Rythu Bandhu Pathakam is to make available the advance to the needy farmers against pledge of stock so as to prevent them from resorting to distress sale of their produce particularly during glut and giving them temporary financial support interms of need. The scheme is being implemented by all the AMCs in the State.
  • After bifurcation, the Telangana Government has enhanced Loan Amount from Rs. 1,00,000/- to Rs. 2,00,000/- under Rythu Bandu Pathakam (Pledge loan scheme to prevent farmers from distress sales) without interest up to 180 days.


  • Every farmer shall be eligible for the pledge loan subject to maximum of Rs. 2.00 Lakhs or 75% of the value of the pledged stock whichever is less without Mortgage of Land.
  • Renewal period of Rythu Bandhu Card is extended from (3) years to (5) years.
  • The following interest shall be levied on the loans taken under Rythu Bandhu Pathakam.
  • Up to 180 days – no interest will be charged.
  • From 180 days to 270 days – 12% interest will be charged.
  • After 270 days the Market Committee shall have the right to dispose off the produce and recover the loan from the sale proceeds.

Rythu Bheema Pathakam:

  • It will be implemented by all the Agricultural Market Committees
  • Farmers who bring their produce to the Market Yards and also farmers who come to the Market Yards with their produce, will be provided with Insurance coverage for accidental death, permanent disability and also partial disability.
  • This scheme will also cover Licensed Hamalies, Weighmen and Cartmen who are working in the Market Yards. The Insurance coverage would be as follows:-
  • In case of accidental death in the course of farming : Rs. 1.00 lakh
  • In case of permanent disability : Rs. 75,000/-
  • Partial disability : Rs. 25,000/-


  1. Agricultural Market Committees in Siddipet District:There are total 14 Market Committees established in Siddipet, Dist., i.e. Siddipet, Gajwel, Cherial, Husnabad, Dubbaka, Thoguta, Vantimamidi, Bejjenki, Chinnakodur, Nangnoor, Koheda, Doulthabad, Kondapaka and Mirdoddi. A.M.Cs, Market Yards are functioning in Siddipet, Gajwel and Vantimamidi  throughout the year. There are (2) Integrated Market Yards i.e, Siddipet and Gajwel . The remaining Market Yards are Non – functional. The income of the Market Committees depends up on the collection of Market Fees @ 1%   There are (4) Sub-Market Yards i.e., 1) Gangapur  2) Thotapally 3) Kukunoorpally 4) Bachannapet.
  2. Amenities & Facilities in the Market Yards. :The Agricultural Market Committees situated in the Siddipet district have already developed Infrastructures facilities such as internal roads, Godowns, Open platforms, Covered sheds, RCC Bidding Yards, Rythu Rest House, electricity and water supply, as per the Act & Rules for the purpose of convenient sale of the farmers produce.
  3. Animal Camps:The Agril. Market Committees also conduct Animal camps for the farmers and for the Cattle quarterly in the notified area by spending amount of Rs. 20,000/- for 2 numbers of Cattle Health Camps for which particularly Budget is allocated by the Director of Agricultural Marketing.
  4. S.P. Operation:In order to protect the interest of farmers against any distress sale of their produce, the government declares minimum support price every year by opening the procurement centers concerned to Civil Supplies Corporation, I.K.P for purchase of  Paddy PACS, MEPMA & AMCs for Paddy purchase at the Government rates.
  5. Storage Facilities: All the Agricultural Market Committees in Siddipet Dist. have already provided storage facilities for the produce of farmers and the Government agencies by constructing different size of godowns which particularized as under. These godowns are meant for storage of the stocks under R.B.P. and the stocks purchased by the various Government organizations.

Total No. of AMC Godowns and capacity in MTs.

Total No. of AMC Godowns Occupied in MTs.

Total No. of AMC Godowns Vacant in MTs.

No. of Godown Sanctioned under NABARD and Capacity in MTs.

No. of NABARD Godown Occupied in MTs.

No. of NABARD Godown Vacant in MTs.













  1. Haritha Haraam Programme: (41021 No’s) trees Planted under Telanganaku Haritha Haram Program As per the instructions of higher authority it the Agricultural Market Committees, Siddipet district for the period 2015-16 to 2021-22.
  2. Targets & Achievement of Market Fees Income:During the current finance year i.e. 2021-22 Market Fee collected upto March-2022  1476.63 lakh Collected all Agril. Market Committees in Siddipet District.
  3. National Agricultural Marketing Scheme (NAM):-The Central Government of India selected Agricultural Market Committees are connected through online system. Under this Scheme the activates of was Gate Entry, Auction, Trading etc., are done through Online System. The Central Government has selected (44) Agricultural Market Committees in Telangana State. In this Scheme one Agricultural Market Committee are selected i.e., Agricultural Market Committee Siddipet and Gajwel  in Siddipet District.
  4. Rythu Bazars: – The New Model Rythu Bazar at Siddipet town, Pathuru Rythu market,Gajwel and new Rythu Bazar  recently opened at Cherial & Koheda
Contact Numbers
S.No Name of the officer Designation Contact. No. Email ID



District Marketing Officer


dmosiddipet@gmail. com


P. Ramya

Senior Marketing Assistant




K. Mukundam

Junior Assistant




G. Prabhakar

Office Subordinate